Then you can change the setting again and resume normal play. If you quickly bump up your difficulty setting before you open the container, you can receive a significant experience boost. If you discover a medi-gel container while you are already carrying as many as you can, you'll instead receive experience points that correspond to the difficulty setting on which you are playing.
Armor Bonus Items (Level 1 in Recruit/Level 2 in Veteran/Level 3 in Spectre).Weapon Bonus Items (Level 1 in Recruit/Level 2 in Veteran/Level 3 in Spectre).Ammo Bonus Items (Level 1 in Recruit/Level 2 in Veteran/Level 3 in Spectre).Medi-Gel (more in Veteran/Spectre packs).Ops Survival Pack (more in Veteran/Spectre packs).Thermal Clip Pack (more in Veteran/Spectre packs).Cobra Missile Launcher (more in Veteran/Spectre packs).Check out all four of the extended endings at our Extended Cut - Endings Guide.
To ensure that you get the best possible ending, be sure to check out our Complete Scan Guide.